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Continental Airlines

In Pre-petition Claims department while in bankruptcy under Frank Lorenzo's leadership, our team worked on various projects under the auspices of the court. I performed financial analysis of Pilot's Union's grievances and of the Union of Flight Attendants, reconciled individual claims within the financial and legal frameworks they were required to comply, audited validity of each claim and verified compliance. I helped develop ad-hoc Focus and CICS IE (Information Expert) data-mining apps e.g. ticket enplanements for Air Micronesia to determine its revenue impact on the company's bottom line. It helped the court decide whether spining off a profitable asset to satisfy debt was a viable option without crippling core operations. Within the Finance Division, I developed several on-line apps in Focus, Information Builder's business analytics system e.g. Sales Summary Adjustment Tracking System which reduced months worth of backlog into a weekly workflow; Station Accrual System developed on PC-MOS which captured ticket sales at City/Airport Ticket Offices. It replaced the batch processing system done by EDS saving an average of $50,000.00 in monthly operational expenses.

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